Function First

As a designer, “function first” is my motto.

If something doesn’t work well, then it doesn’t matter how beautiful it is.

Those of us in design related careers have always been taught that “form follows function”. I was curious about the origin of the rule and traced it back to ancient Rome and an architect named Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. He chronicled important architectural insights in his ten books, but none as enduring as the standard that’s become known as the Vitruvian Triad. There are three criteria that make up the triad:

  1. Firmitas - Whatever you design should be structurally sound.

  2. Utilitas - Whatever you design should have a practical function.

  3. Venustas - Whatever you design should be beautiful.

These principles hold the same importance in instructional design.

The nature of the work demands structure and function, but aesthetics are often overlooked or under appreciated. Any degree, course, or educational activity can be enhanced with beautiful, engaging instructional materials.

This is the intersection of my skill set, interests, and talents - Making things make sense… and look good!

Emily Wray Instructional Design

Nuances of Teaching


Orlando Together - Fall Fundraiser